Thursday, December 25, 2014

150 people exonerated from U.S. Death Rows - Wishing Death Row Residents Peace Today

Our family in 1965, I lovingly dedicate this song to my family, especially to Kerry Lyn. Merry Christmas Kerry! I love you!

Click on this link to listen:

Monday, December 8, 2014

149 People Have Been Exonerated from Our Own Death Rows

Eye Witness is NO Guarantee 

Former death row inmate Ricky Jackson and Wiley Bridgeman  were formally exonerated on November 21, 2014, in Ohio, after spending 39 years in prison. They are numbers 148 and 149 on the growing list of exonerees from U.S.A. Death Rows.

Article excerpt: When he dismissed Jackson’s case, Judge Richard McMonagle said, “Life is filled with small victories, and this is a big one.”

These cases relied heavily on eye-witness identification - the "eye-witness"  recanted just last year...

 Prosecutor Timothy McGinty said in court that without an eyewitness there was not much of a case, he added "The state is conceding the obvious." 

Cleveland attorneys represented both men after the Ohio Innocence Project took up Jackson’s cause even though there was no DNA evidence. 

 Charges will likely be dismissed against the third convicted defendant in this case, Mr. Ajamu , who would then be # 150 of the exonerated.

Follow these links to read more details:

Death Penalty Information Center-