Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hello from Victoria

Welcome to our new page and thank you for your interest in Kerry and/or the subject of justice system reform.

We hope to aid in awareness in a very sensitive and sometimes volatile subject. Our goal is to promote truth, wisdom, and love. As Martin Luther King Jr had promoted in his gifted eloquent manner; only the combination of  three will bring about real justice.

Our journey into the legal world (I say 'our' and 'we' so often because my children have been my partners, associates, laborers, researchers, teachers, sounding board, support, and so much more, throughout this path) has been an education; one we hope to simplify for some of you if you are starting as unequipped as we were then. This blog will grow and evolve as I learn how to use it, as more research is gathered, and as you share what you all want to know.

We will title the subjects in effort to save you time in your personal search for information.

Thank you for your patience in the process.

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