Saturday, September 7, 2013

Peace Journey Day 5

September 7 of the Peace Journey, we walked 17.5 miles over 3 sessions, walking into Waitsburg & out, on to Highway 12, then veering off onto the Middle Waitsburg Rd, which took us into Walla Walla, and then downtown. 

We visited Hot Poop, a music store, where the owner shared his concern for the safety of his friends who work at WSP. If there were no Death Penalty, he felt corrections officers would be less safe. We discussed that perspective further, exploring the realities and the idea of more money for staff if we saved money by ending the Death Penalty, etc. A customer needed his attention, and we left with the owner saying he needed to look into the Death Penalty further. 

That evening we were welcomed into Jim and Janet Robles' home--and treated to showers, home cooked food and cold drinks, and slept indoors. Not to mention great conversations...ahh, it was heaven sent!!

They walked for 17 miles on Saturday

Entering Waitsburg

This is what Waitsburg road looked like for 19 miles...

Bandaid break

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