Monday, September 9, 2013

Peace Journey Day Seven -- Walla Walla

September 9th began at Pioneer park, then on to Whitman College for the 12:00 pm meeting of the Prison Research Group. They invited Victoria to speak and share the Peace Journey during their first meeting this year. 

Victoria visited her pen-pal at WA State Penitentiary, Death Row, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. From 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, they had scheduled a gathering in Wildwood Park, which they invited students, church members, and community members to attend.

Ann Donahue drove out from Spokane to meet up with the Peace Journey about 2:30 pm, and joined the park gathering. Jon St. Hillaire contributed his beautiful folk music, alternating playing acoustic guitar and banjo and singing. Walla Walla University Professor Greg Dodds also attended the gathering. Because of the timing and day of the week they did not end up with more attendees. 

About 5:15 pm the Peace Journey began their walk to the WSP. They walked the sidewalk to the far end, which stops at the entrance for the IMU building, and then focused their thoughts, prayers, and energy on the 8 men living on Death Row in WSP, praying for their recognition as human beings and regaining their human dignity, and ending the Death Penalty in Washington State. They also held up all of the residents within WSP, hoping for respect and human dignity for them as well. Finally they did not want to forget WSP staff, and offered their thank yous for their good work, and their respect.

They held signs, one saying “Why the Death Penalty?” and the other, “Legal Homicide?”. Then they peacefully walked the sidewalk and the path back to their vehicles.
That evening they met up with Dick Morgan (former superintendent/warden of WSP) and his daughter, Erin. Please watch the video of the interview with Mr. Morgan. They had a delightful dinner and conversation with both Dick and his daughter. 

Victoria interviewing Professor Jon St. Hillaire

Ann Donahue joins the Peace Journey in Walla Walla

Ann, Victoria, Jaimie, and Adam

Ben has to break up the Fellowship

Saying goodbye at Pioneer Park, Walla Walla

Whitman Campus
Getting set up for Prison Research Group meeting

Peace Journey walks along WSP

Outside entrance to IMU, Ann, Greg, Adam, & Jaimie

"Legal Homicide" is written as cause of death on
executed's death certificate

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